Who Am I?
I have always lived with the idea that I had something inside of me shining So Much and wanting to get out!
I always have my mind full of ideas and projects and ways of realizing and shine my light and serving People. I have always seen People in the Center of the Equation. If I can help more People Realizing themselves and Shine their light, I Will be in Peace, live in Joy and the World Will be The Best Place to live in!
I trust and Know that SOFI is the answer to the Present World and that is my Purpose in Life.
About all my Experience and Skills, I Am full confident that I can do it and have the Best knowledge and Experts to help me on the way.

I am so grateful to all the people that help me on the way! They are bright and genius souls that saw in SOFI and me a path to shine brighter and cooperate with their light, wisdom and work.
For that and for all the Good that we can do Together, I Am deeply Grateful.
Who are they?
My Family, my daughter Sofia that is always on my side with brilliant ideas, unlimited, full of love to give and so creative in so many areas. Pablo, that always support me no matter what.
My sisters who I always can count on. My nephews: João, that helped with videos and content to this project; Ana Marta, that always give important and bright opinions; David, that did our website, he’s a genius; and Mariana, always an inspiration!
The light of my parents that connect me to my roots.
My friends and experts in the present and in the future, they are vital to walk this path, where every time and at each turn together, we can turn on one more light and see clearly the way and the outcome!