Where you are there is one!

SOFI GIVES you a SPECIFIC and INDIVIDUAL Solution for you only!
Know the SECRET of our unknown and nonexistent METHOD in the world!

SOFI Sustainable Organic Food International
Creating an International Chain of Healthy Food
Everywhere in the world!
Offering accessible and rich healthy food:
A new way of living, giving the possibility to all people, the entire society, to have access to Healthy, Organic, Fast and Cheap Food! (for the price of a hamburger!)
Everywhere, in all the cities in the world, Wherever you are, you’ll find a SOFI!

SOFI as a Model / Reference in Education for People’s health, nutrition and Well-being.
Providing education on food and health to everyone. Make this KNOWLEDGE accessible to Everyone what should be done in schools, Sofi can do it massively and for ALL AGES.
SOFI Original, True, Genuine, Attractive, a Necessary project.
The idea already exists but the CONCEPT of making it accessible to EVERYONE is a REVOLUTION in Society.

Associating the name Sofi with: Accessible I Sustainable I Healthy Food I Success and Wealth
Fast healthy Food + you always have one next door!
New Trend + everywhere!
New Era: Food and Fashion together! New lifestyle!
Sofi as an “influencer” in the Health & Wellness & Fashion sector
A completely groundbreaking concept

Corporate Marketing _ Discounts between different businesses partners, like Fashion, Culture, Music, Cinema and Sofi
SOFI = Success / Fashion / Healthy Eating / Healthy Life / Wealth
Formative Marketing _ Inform people about healthy eating habits, nutrients, food properties, impact on our physical and mental health, well-being, etc.
- Periodic recipes
- Formative courses
- Competitions
What are we offering?
A portion of varied and balanced food: cereal + protein + vegetables
All raw materials are of organic origin and, therefore, rich in nutrients. No simple sugars are used, only sugars naturally present in fruits, vegetables or cereals. Proteins are mostly of plant origin, such as beans of various qualities, chickpeas, lentils... and whole grains, such as rice, quinoa, polenta, millet, bulgur, all types of seasonal vegetables (raw and cooked), Seaweeds and Seeds.
We will present it in boxes of various sizes to take away, always with the same distribution of food, in proportion to the size of the box that varies the price.
To eat at the place, plates of different sizes are also presented that vary in price, always with the correct and balanced distribution of food.

There will be availability and offer of supplements and complements: drinks (healthy, sugar-free), smoothies, desserts (sugar-free and chemical-free sweets), books on health, well-being, recipes...

Local suppliers: km0, or with organic certificate
All merchandising, boxes, cutlery, glasses, etc., with recycled and sustainable materials.

Business systematization
Training Model Store – we have a headquarters, where we will have all the operational business defined, organized, prepared and ready to go; and where we will do the training of all the teams of all the Sofi stores around the world.
Store model:
- A Manager/Chef + kitchen assistants + cleaning staff
- Cashiers
Supplier organization – for each national and international location, adapted to the local products of each area.
Merchandising – Adapted by location / language / country
USP Unique Selling Proposition
I have experience in coordinating and leading teams successfully.
I know the sector: the suppliers, the experts on the subject, the materials, the right people for each task.
I have the business systematized, calculated and prepared to launch on the market.
I know the demand and the prices that serve the people we are going to help (the entire society!).
People want to be healthy, but they don't have access :
- to the correct information/training.
- It is not economically accessible, or they do not have time to move or travel where there’s healthy food, or to prepare healthy meals.
We have the answer! We solve the problem:
Really healthy and balanced food at an affordable price everywhere!

Why this project?
Our Great Differentiation: BALANCE & MASSIVE OFFER
- Does this offer currently exist?
- Yes!!
But it is a neighborhood, local, urban, small- scale offer (like Porta do Shenmen*).
The BIG IDEA here is to take this completely dispersed offer in the world and turn it into an:
Organized and Systematized WORLD OFFER = SOFI
SOFI GIVES you a SPECIFIC and INDIVIDUAL Solution for you only!
Know the SECRET of our unknown and nonexistent METHOD in the world!

*Porta do Shenmen

Why is it Unique?
This proposal is DIFFERENT because we bring together EVERYTHING in ONE, and we are EVERYWHERE _ we have experience, savoir faire, knowledge about the demand and supply, market vision, we cover the urgent need of global society that wants to be healthier and have a greater life and more well-being.

“Success is the result of helping people
and helping people is good!”, Harv Eker
People around the world are eager to experience this new concept_ Sofi!
Who Am I?
I have always lived with the idea that I had something inside of me shining So Much and wanting to get out!
I always have my mind full of ideas and projects and ways of realizing and shine my light and serving People. I have always seen People in the Center of the Equation. If I can help more People Realizing themselves and Shine their light, I Will be in Peace, live in Joy and the World Will be The Best Place to live in!
I trust and Know that SOFI is the answer to the Present World and that is my Purpose in Life.
About all my Experience and Skills, I Am full confident that I can do it and have the Best knowledge and Experts to help me on the way.

I am so grateful to all the people that help me on the way! They are bright and genius souls that saw in SOFI and me a path to shine brighter and cooperate with their light, wisdom and work.
For that and for all the Good that we can do Together, I Am deeply Grateful.
Who are they?
My Family, my daughter Sofia that is always on my side with brilliant ideas, unlimited, full of love to give and so creative in so many areas. Pablo, that always support me no matter what.
My sisters who I always can count on. My nephews: João, that helped with videos and content to this project; Ana Marta, that always give important and bright opinions; David, that did our website, he’s a genius; and Mariana, always an inspiration!
The light of my parents that connect me to my roots.
My friends and experts in the present and in the future, they are vital to walk this path, where every time and at each turn together, we can turn on one more light and see clearly the way and the outcome!

Want to be part of this game changer?
What resources do SOFI need?
1 - A Team of Experts that help us find the best locations in the world to start to open SOFI’s everywhere.
Goal: open 10 - 30 restaurant/shops to begin with, at the main capital/cities in the world
(first 6 months).
2 - A Marketing Team to:
prepare the Layout of the restaurants/shops
prepare the Image of SOFI
prepare the Communication: how to pass the message
3 - A Technical/Executive Team
At the base/headquarters, where all the teams from around the world will receive their training, with me, personally, and my team: a Cook and 2/3 kitchen assistants, and 2 cashiers. Everyone will also learn with the Marketing Team about our vision and our goals, to be able to pass the right message.
Each Team is composed by a Country Manager + a Chef for each SOFI and the kitchen assistants and cashiers.
- The Country Manager should:
coordinate all the Providers for the corresponding country;
be responsible for the applying of the SOFI rules and norms for Human Resources;
be responsible for the applying of Marketing and Communication Strategies.

4 - A Financial Team
Responsible for all the financial aspects: buying to providers, pricing settings of meals and products, salaries, taxes, etc.
5 - How to find and organize Providers?
They will come from everywhere, and we also will be able to help grow this sustainable sector all around the world, like sustainable farmers, companies of environmentally friendly materials, etc
The Investors
Who are You? _ The Investors
Me & You
We Work in Perfect Cooperation, have the same Values and Visión of the future society, where SOFI is a reference in the World.
Our Work puts SOFI as a reference for everyone that wants to be Realized, have healthy habits and enough Knowledge to follow their Path and Shining out their Dreams With SOFI serving them.
SOFI doesn’t give only the Best Food to every Human Being, it is an
Integral Organism to help every individual Shine!

You, as Investors, have TOTAL Trust and Believe in this Project
and in its Founder & CEO, Natália Caetano, to put it in motion and realize this
CHANGE in Society.
You only have to Support US and Enjoy the ride!
SOFI GIVES you a SPECIFIC and INDIVIDUAL Solution for you only!
Know the SECRET of our unknown and nonexistent METHOD in the world!

At SOFI we would like for you to work together in perfect cooperation with us, as an Investor, supporting our project and giving it life!
Help us realize a World Dream!
*What If…
*We can make a difference in the world?! Join us and give us the opportunity to prove this is truly amazing! Everyone in the world needs it!
Contact me and I'll explain the whole project, wherever you are!
The World before SOFI and the New World after SOFI Let’s close the Circle SHINE with SOFI!
Imagine Yourself in this beautiful change for the better in Society, in the World: Giving People access to healthy food, Giving Knowledge about Health, Wealth, Realization and Growth. Giving More Light for the World.
Giving EDUCATION about Why we are all connected, Knowing Ourselves, Feeling Good, Eating Well, Being Healthy:
Be SOFI = Accessible to everyone = Everywhere
Let’s put People in the Center of the Equation: Self-Realized People, Healthy People, Happy People, Inspired People:
TOGETHER we can certainly make a Better World to LIVE in.
How can you Help us?
You know that this will Happen, sooner or later, and as Michael Jackson once said: "If not us, others will do it"
So, let's do it! Let's put our Blueprint on it!
We can make it work in Perfect Cooperation. We have the All Project Detailed and Systematized, we just need your Support!